Euro 24: Prandelli, ‘solidarity with Spalletti, I know what it means’ – Football

“I extend a thought of great solidarity towards Luciano, I know what it means”. This was said by Cesare Prandelli, former coach of Italy, speaking to journalists about the elimination of the Azzurri of coach Luciano Spalletti from the European Championships currently underway in Germany. Prandelli receives the Menarini Fair Play Award tonight at the Teatro Romano in Fiesole (Florence).

“In the last match – he said, speaking of Italy-Switzerland – those who watched the game had a feeling of impotence, even those of us who were at home watching… you almost wanted to go on the pitch, they were catatonic, and it’s difficult to make a judgment on players who are also temperamental, with character, you have to understand if they arrived with too much responsibility, or if when they went down they thought they wouldn’t make it, it’s difficult to understand”.

More generally, Prandelli explained, “we all become big fans, experts, when the big events of the national team arrive, but during the seasons, during the months where there is a schedule, no one knows anything. We are discussing difficulties, but we were also discussing them 15 years ago, we made proposals: no one has done anything, so now is the time to act, there is no point in making a lot of speeches, we have to do something because otherwise everything becomes complicated, the reality is very serious”.

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2024-07-04 20:33:22
#Euro #Prandelli #solidarity #Spalletti #means #Football


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