Eve Gilles, Miss France 2024, will not resume her studies immediately because she is aiming for another election

The day after her election, Miss France 2024 enthusiastically praised her love of maths and her desire to promote scientific studies for girls. She has spoken on several occasions about her love of numbers and her desire to become a statistician, she who is a student in a master’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to Human and Social Sciences (MIASHS),

READ ALSOMiss France: Eve Gilles was “a very brilliant student”

In March, on the occasion of Mathematics Day, Ève Gilles visited the students of Gustave Eiffel University to “ to transmit [sa] passion ” She was then received by Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research and herself a physicist by training, for “ discussions around projects to be carried out to raise awareness of mathematics among young people “. Gabriel Attal, Prime Minister, had also stressed that he wanted to “ increase the share of girls in science and maths “, before handing over the floor (and the telephone) to Miss France, “the best of all ambassadors ” on the subject, according to him.

Cabaret cravings

However, it may well be that she will not resume her studies, contrary to what she said at the time of her election. In an interview with the magazine Télé 7 jours, spotted by Galashe reveals: “ I will not resume my studies because I would like to embark on the Miss Universe adventure. The election usually takes place in November.

In the same interview, she mentions her desire to participate in a cabaret. She therefore seems to share with Iris Mittenaere more than her northern origins from maritime Flanders. Since Iris Mittenaere, Miss France 2016, is the last French woman (and the second in all) to have won the title of Miss Universe and she was then hired (in 2019) by Kamel Ouali to be a revue leader at the Oiseau Paradis.

READ ALSOEve Gilles carried the Olympic flame in Lille


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