Expanding Sports and Recreation Training Initiatives Throughout Neuquén Province

The Ministry of Human Development, Local Governments and Women continues to deploy a training agenda throughout the province, bringing various training proposals to the different localities.

This weekend, the Department of Sports and Youth held meetings on topics such as sports initiation, fishing and adapted archery in Senillosa and Neuquén capital.

The Secretary of Sports and Youth, María Fernanda Villone, valued this space in a context in which training is becoming more important every day. “The Provincial Sports Plan has as one of its fundamental axes the training and updating of the community’s sports knowledge,” she stressed.

“Through these training sessions, we seek to ensure that our trainers have the necessary tools to offer quality physical education and recreational spaces, which will improve not only the living and health conditions of the community, but also promote a common sporting identity throughout the province,” he said.

Participants in the meetings on sports initiation topics.

Sports initiation training in Senillosa

A training course on sports initiation was held in Senillosa with the support of the local municipality. 40 people from Plottier, Añelo, Villa El Chocón, Neuquén and the host city participated.

This is the tenth one held this year within the program that seeks to train human resources for teaching physical activities and sports at different ages.

The talks are aimed at facilitating updating and improving the level of knowledge already acquired, as well as promoting and developing physical activities, sports and recreation.

During the meeting, the importance of sports initiation for all those who participate in the daily activity of children’s and youth sports was discussed, taking into account the diversity and needs of the community.

Adaptive archery.

Adaptive archery and fishing workshops in Neuquén capital

In another section, with the aim of strengthening and promoting the sport of archery throughout the province, a meeting was held in said town at the facilities of the Special School No. 1 Senderos de Luz, organized by the Directorate of Control and Accessibility for People with Disabilities with the collaboration of the Comahue Archery School.

The event was aimed at teachers, technicians and sports leaders of the discipline, which has seen great growth since its incorporation into the Patagonian Integrated Games in 2022, offering an alternative in favor of adapted sports.

Finally, continuing with the fishing workshops that are held in different parts of the province, this time the training landed in the Melipal neighborhood, organized by its neighborhood committee.

The main purpose of this experience is to promote learning and responsible practice of fishing as a recreational and sustainable activity. Throughout the day, the people who attended not only acquired technical knowledge and practical skills, but also learned about the importance of preserving natural resources and respecting the ecological balance.

2024-07-03 12:39:23
#Promoting #sport #training


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