Exploring the Dynamics of Badminton in Reunion: A Trip of Exchange and Development

This trip gave rise to several times of exchanges with the institutions: Regional Council, CREPS, DRAJES and UNSS. It was an opportunity to highlight the dynamics of badminton in Reunion driven by the league, to discuss the federal policy serving the overseas territories and licensees, and to look to the future.

They were also given the opportunity to meet and discuss with the leaders of local clubs about the December elective reform. This time also allowed to discuss federal support for overseas territories and the consideration of their specificity, in connection with the league, as well as the training courses for supervisors and technical officials.

The stay continued with the 2nd awards ceremony organized to reward the actresses and actors who work for the development of badminton in Reunion (young people, managers, technical officials, employees, clubs) with the presence of institutional partners. The opportunity for the Federation to present the federal merit to Gérard CHEUNG LUNG for his investment.

Finally, 3 training sessions for trainers were organized, namely, training for level 1 and 2 technical trainers and training for technician trainers.

2024-07-05 11:11:48
#Federations #trip #Reunion #Island


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