EXTREME HEAT | Extreme heat is here: up to 41ºC on Friday in these places in Spain

July starts with extreme heat in a good part of the Peninsula this week. According to the forecast of both AEMET and specialized portals, this Friday we can attend really suffocating episodeswhich foreshadow what will surely be repeated throughout the summer.

Temperatures of up to 41ºC appear on the AEMET forecast map for this Friday, which will be the culminating day of a process of rising temperatures that begins right now. Thermometers in central and southern Spain will easily reach 39, 40 and 41 degrees Celsius in many locations.

This situation will be the result of the confluence of an Azores anticyclone somewhat closer to the Peninsula and a high-altitude ridge, which will favour very high temperatures and great stability.

Man cooling off in a fountain / Levante EMV

The rise in temperatures will be evident starting this Tuesday and ending on Friday, While this trend will ease over the weekend. In any case, as of Wednesday there will be yellow warnings for heat of over 38ºC in Seville, Cordoba and in the Vega del Segura.

On Thursday, the situation will continue to improve and the mercury will rise to 39 and 40ºC in many areas of the southern half of the peninsula, with the most notable case being Cordoba, where temperatures of up to 42 degrees are expected for this day.

Friday, the culminating day

For Friday, AEMET forecasts temperatures of 40º and 41ºC in Cordoba, Ciudad Real, Badajoz and Toledo. The Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys will be particularly affected by the extreme heat.

Forecast of maximum and minimum temperatures for this Friday / AEMET

At the same time, in the southern half of the Peninsula, the most frequent occurrences will be tropical nights, when temperatures will never drop below 20ºC. This is what will happen, for example, in parts of Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Andalusia and parts of the Mediterranean, including the Balearic Islands.

High temperatures will continue on Saturday, but with a slight drop compared to the previous day.

2024-07-02 10:39:08
#EXTREME #HEAT #Extreme #heat #41ºC #Friday #places #Spain


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