Fachruddin Aryanto Returns to PSS Sleman to Strengthen Defense Sector

PSSLEMAN.ID, SLEMAN– The defense sector is the focus of PSS Sleman in the 2024/25 season. To overcome this, Fachruddin Aryanto was officially recruited again to strengthen PSS. Fachrudin pursued a professional football career at PSS Sleman from 2008 to 2012. 12 years after leaving PSS, Fachruddin returned home to Sleman.

The player who plays as a central defender likened his return to Laskar Sembada to a child who goes away to other places and then returns to the home that raised him.

“Returning to PSS Sleman is like returning to a home I left long ago. I hope that my return to PSS can bring the team that the people of Sleman are proud of back to a better standings,” he said at Omah PSS, Sleman, Monday (1/7/2024) afternoon.

The return of the tough defender of the Indonesian National Team to PSS Sleman is the answer to his promise to return to Bumi Sembada after going on a football journey with several clubs.

“The reason I decided to come back here is to fulfill my promise to myself when I first left this club, one day I want to come back to PSS. Thank God there was an offer to play at PSS, without thinking twice I fulfilled my promise to come back to PSS,” he said with deep emotion.

Born in Klaten, a few dozen kilometers from Sleman Regency, on February 19, 1989, Fachrudin joined PSS Sleman at the age of 19. His time with PSS Sleman began in 2008.

“PSS Sleman is my first professional club in football. I think that was the biggest moment with PSS Sleman in professional football,” he said.

During four seasons at PSS, he received polishing from several coaches, one of whom was Coach Widiantoro. Fachruddin experienced rapid development in his game which earned him a call to strengthen the Indonesian National Team.

“Then in the last season at PSS Sleman, I got my first call to the Indonesian National Team. That was my best moment at PSS Sleman,” he said.

His long journey in professional football has brought him to play for several football clubs. This did not make him lose his humble attitude to adapt and learn the challenges in the PSS Sleman environment.

“There will definitely be challenges at PSS because I am a new person here. I have to be able to adapt to the environment and new friends on the team. Then adapt to what the coach asks for,” he said.

The player who is closely associated with the captain position in various club teams and the Indonesian National Team stated that pressure on PSS Sleman is definitely there. According to him, pressure from PSS Fans is the path for PSS Sleman to the top.

“The pressure is definitely there because PSS has supporters with high passion and enthusiasm in supporting PSS. God willing, with this new team we can achieve together what the management and PSS Fans have targeted. Hopefully Allah SWT will make it easy,” he explained.

“Regarding my personal target at PSS Sleman, of course it is to lead to the champion path. Hopefully, if Allah SWT grants me the championship. Amen,” he concluded.



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