Facing Turkey: Dutch Team Prepares for Quarter-Final Battle

NOS Voetbal•vandaag, 16:13

Schouten: ‘We cannot copy-paste the battle plan against Romania against Turkey’

“I expect a lot of noise in the stadium.” The Dutch team will face an old-fashioned witches’ cauldron during the quarter-final against Turkey on Saturday evening, thinks Jerdy Schouten.

“I think we’re going to see a lot of passion and fight on the pitch,” Daley Blind added. “We have to prepare ourselves for that and be on our guard. The trick is to put the same amount of fight and passion into it, but also to stay calm on the ball.”

But as mentioned, the two expect that passion not only on the field. In the host city of Berlin alone, there are about 300,000 Turks. The Turkish fans are also generally very involved with their national team.

“The Turkish fans are emotional and passionate. We have to try to quiet them down a bit, but we also have to enjoy the atmosphere in the stadium. We have to avoid getting carried away, but instead take the positive energy from it.”


Whether everyone is fit for the match against Turkey, both players did not want to reveal yet. Schouten was taken off earlier in the match against Romania with minor complaints, but there are no worries about that, says the midfielder.

“I was suffering from some stiffness. That’s why I spent a lot of time on the bike yesterday, it didn’t suddenly disappear. But I just trained with everything today.”

‘We have to do better to make things difficult for Turkey’

Schouten played a good match against Romania, just like many other players. It seems that Oranje can build on that round of 16 match, but that is not entirely true, if we are to believe the PSV midfielder.

“We cannot change our battle plan against Romania copy-paste against Turkey. Everything has to be different. It is a completely different opponent. We still have to look critically at the match against Romania, because we know that we have to do even better to make it difficult for Turkey.”

Ronald Koeman press conference

National coach Ronald Koeman will preview the quarter-final match against Turkey on Friday. He will do so from 7:45 PM.

Koeman’s press conference will be broadcast live on NOS.nl and in the NOS app.

Schouten hopes that Oranje will play at the cutting edge, but that entails a risk for the midfielder himself. A yellow card will result in a suspension for the semi-finals.

“I would have preferred not to have had it of course. But if I have to take a card and the team goes through to the semi-finals because of it, then of course I will take it. Because otherwise we go home.”

And that while the route to the final is getting shorter. Blind: “The draw was not unfavorable for us. But you still have to win the matches. We have to do it ourselves every match.”

2024-07-04 14:13:45
#Orange #quiet #Turkish #fans #bit #enjoy #lot #noise


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