Former NFL Player Daniel Muir Arrested for Domestic Violence and Obstruction of Justice

Daniel Muira former footballer for several NFL teams such as the Rams and the Colts, has been arrested This week, together with his wife, Obstruction of justice and domestic violencein this case against his 14-year-old son, Bryson Muir. All alarms went off on the afternoon of June 16 when Bryson was visiting his grandmother, Cheryl Wright. After his mother picked him up, the grandmother notified the Garfield Heights (Ohio) Police Department when she discovered that His grandson had a black eye and a split lip..

Immediately, the Cass County Children’s Servicesin addition to the implementation of the Individual Service Plan (ISP), as the life of the minor was feared. The institutions managed to contact Bryson’s parents on June 27, and They agreed to hand him over to social services, which never happened..

From the Cleveland Courts Arrest warrants were issued for the father, Daniel, and the mother, Kristen.. As neither of them appeared in court on Tuesday morning, it was decided to send the Special Police Unit (SWAT) to the commune where they lived.

Abuse, cults and obstruction of justice

Daniel and Kristen Muir, Bryson’s father

The Muir family is recognized follower of the Religious Foundation Servants of the Leader (Servant’s Leader Foundation) and lived in a commune owned by another religious group, the Ministry of the Straight Path to Truth (Straitway Truth Ministry), along with a number of people yet to be determined. Apparently, Muir worked as a preacher According to several videos posted by the community itself on its channel YouTube.

The Special Police Unit He entered the commune by force in an operation that began around 6 a.m. They managed to arrest the parents and hand over the child to Social Services.who were quick to say: “This is a criminal investigation and we cannot give any further details at this time, but Bryson is safe and sound“. The boy’s grandmother, after learning of the arrest, accused the parents of “having brainwashed” the 14-year-old boy and reported the state in which she found him the last time she saw him, last June: “His face was swollen“He had a black eye and a busted lip. I don’t want to even think how many times he had to be hit to get like this.”

The Muirs’ defense attorney has claimed their innocencealthough the judge has left them in prison without bailas there is believed to be a high risk of flight. The hearing will be on July 16.

2024-07-03 20:07:03
#Daniel #Muir #arrested #abuse #cult #membership


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