Former PSG striker Rai takes a clear stand

A fan of France, the Brazilian and former Paris Saint-Germain striker spoke of his personal experience to position himself during the second round.

It’s a cry from the heart. Literally. This Wednesday evening, the media StreetPresswith Mediapartorganized a large rally against the extreme right in Paris, Place de la République. Many personalities from cinema, music, arts and even sports responded to the call. Among these stars, Raï spoke for almost three minutes.

Having fallen in love with France during his time at Paris Saint-Germain (1993-1998), the former striker with 49 caps for the Seleção still lives in France. A few days before the second round of the legislative elections, the Brazilian has clearly positioned himself against the far right and the National Rally.

«Long live France, long live the Republic, long live democracy, Rai says, speaking from experience as a Brazilian after the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022). You are our hope. I know the far right well, what they do best is lie. I knew them in power. The far right in power is the end of the world, the end of human rights, of humanism, of humanity. In Brazil, we lived a nightmare: four years of misogyny, homophobia, prejudice, deforestation. The far right is hate.»

For him, the solution is simple.If we want to change our purchasing power, let’s change our policies but never change our fundamental values. They want hatred. Let’s heal with love and passion. They want oppression. Let’s resist. To arms citizens! This is France, this is Paris, this is also Africa, these are all colors. This is democracy and the Republic

Almost two years ago, Rai spoke out in a major interview.


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