Giannini launches Football Academy, “talent must be nurtured” – Football

A project born to cultivate talent by giving young footballers the chance to become the stars of the future and, perhaps, even of the National team. This is the goal of the “Football Academy G.Giannini”, a football school founded by Giuseppe Giannini, icon of Roma and the National team protagonist at Italia ’90, for children born between 2012 and 2019.

“I have been dedicating myself to young people for years now. There are talents, and a lot of them. They need to be followed and helped to bring out all that they have. Often we are not up to the task of accompanying these young people in their growth”, Giannini’s words.

The main football field will be the “Domenico Fiore” stadium in Marino, in the province of Rome. There will be many initiatives by the “Football Academy G. Giannini”: from itinerant camps to clinics with former footballers to training courses for all those involved in the field. “I believe that treating talent more than tactics is logical. I managed to get to play at the highest levels in a period where coaches, such as Liedholm, Eriksson, Mazzone and all the others, helped me bring out what I had inside by improving me, advising and playing without that tension that plays bad tricks. We need a football school that knows how to manage and follow the technical gesture, the most talented players must be encouraged to dribble”, Giannini’s recipe for relaunching talent in Italian football.

Technique but also personality, exactly what Italy lacked at the European Championship in Germany. “I had the impression that depth, charisma were lacking. That was the determining factor. In some events, like the European Championship, you have to have that personality that was not seen in our players. It is also true that if we analyze things carefully, our players are not the absolute protagonists in their clubs. Maybe only Donnarumma is”, he said. The goal for the future, therefore, “is to see the boys become professionals. Few make it to the national team, but seeing one of my students, in 5 or 6 years, who manages to play in the big stadiums would be a source of great satisfaction”, he concluded.

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2024-07-02 18:43:24
#Giannini #launches #Football #Academy #talent #nurtured #Football


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