Gruppo Canoe Marinai d’Italia Continues to Make Waves with Summer Projects

After the wonderful experience and the great response in terms of attention and curiosity encountered last year, the Gruppo Canoe Marinai d’Italia (on the Faleria seafront) is continuing, also this summer, its activity of disseminating the knowledge and use of the canoe, carrying out various projects. In addition to welcoming the ‘dragonesses’ of the Infinitae association who have been using the spaces of the beach concession for their training since October, “we are carrying out a project promoted by the Social Services of the Municipality called ‘Aut – in canoe’ and which sees the involvement of autistic children. There are about ten of them and once a week, for a total of 10 meetings, they come for canoe lessons” explains Enzo Vagnoni, one of the four instructors. Three canoes are available for the lessons, duly equipped, built and personalized by the teachers themselves. Sunday is reserved for the kids from Crisalide, the association of disabled families who, this year too, enjoy canoeing in the stretch of water in front of the concession. The Gruppo Canoe Marinai d’Italia has also become a point of reference for summer baseball camps. The instructors are present on the beach from 9 onwards on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and, in the month of August, they are available for anyone who wants to get started practicing this sport in maximum safety. There are no costs, apart from the membership card including insurance coverage (info: 339 4728708). “We had so much support last year that we got to work, thanks to various projects, but also counting on the curiosity of those who want to approach the sea aboard a canoe”.

2024-07-02 04:22:48
#Discovering #sea #canoe #group #Marinai #dItalia


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