Hurricane Varese: Italian Champions in Blind Baseball

What a party! What emotion! What grit. Cisv Hurricane Varesethe xc baseball team, which means “for the blind”, affiliated with Uisp and Fibs, is still Italian Champion.

The final was played on June 29, at 3:00 p.m., at the “Gurian” base camp in Malnate. The applause reached the sky when the Varese team defeated the Leonessa di Brescia 5-4.

«I am happy with this victory that occurred during my mandate – says Giovanni Castiglione, president of apd Blind Visually Impaired Sports Varesini -. Our team was born in 2009 and immediately, since that year, it was clear that we had the makings of champions. The results have never disappointed us, and it has happened many times that the team has won the Italian championship. I am really proud of our players who, with their example, demonstrate that overcoming one’s limits is possible. I also thank the staff, with coach Francesco Volo, Matteo Boscardi and team manager Fabio Gottardi».

Leonessa defeated: Hurricane Varese are Italian Champions

There are certainly those who are wondering: how can you play baseball – a sport that requires you to catch a ball – when you can’t see? To play the game, regular baseball has been adapted, replacing the normal ball with a sound one. The difficulty of catching the ball without being able to see it remains, and that is what makes the game spectacular and unique. The Hurricane team has about ten players and the contribution of sighted players is important, for a total of about twenty members. The youngest blind player is Fabio Trombini, 17 years old. The oldest is Gaetano Casale, who is just over 50 years old.

Playing together, blind, partially sighted and sighted, is a mutual stimulus. You learn to trust yourself, your senses, and above all others who fill the deficits of your teammates, some with sight, some with sensitivity, tactics, playing ability. The important thing is the harmony: It is trusting others that makes the game possible. From the playing field comes a lesson for life: alone we are little, together we are so much.

«The beauty is the harmony, you can breathe a nice atmosphere – continues Castiglione -. The players will now train for the Coppa Italia, which will take place this summer. And then we’ll have a great party all together. Or maybe we’ll have the party even before, because we have so many reasons to celebrate together, the first is the pride of being Hurricane, a hurricane of positivity”.

The team was also supported by the board of Blind Visually Impaired Sports Varesini. A big round of applause to everyone.

2024-07-03 09:19:45
#joy #Hurricane #Varese #championship


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