“I don’t feel angry anymore. Go back there? No use, dad is with us”

Two years have passed since the Marmolada tragedy, in which eleven people died following the collapse of an ice serac. A massacre that could have been avoided, according to many, if only the mountain community had prevented access to the glacier above certain temperatures. History, however, is not made with “ifs” and the hypothesis of responsibility was definitively erased last year with the archiving of the investigation due to tragic fatality. Among the victims of the Marmolada, there were also the Paduans (from Cittadella) Erica Campagnaro, 44 ​​years old, and her husband Davide Miotti, 51 years old. “I don’t feel angry anymore – confesses her son Ettore, now 18, who saw his family halved on July 3, 2022 -. It was a long journey, but giving in to anger would bring no advantage and would only make me feel worse”.

Ettore Miotti, have you returned to the mountains?
“My father was a mountain guide and always tried to pass on to us his passion for high altitudes. When I go skiing, I can almost see him there. I have embraced and welcomed his love, so much so that I have gone and still go to the mountains, but my great passion is water. I believe that my father has managed to pass on to me and my sister Karen the burning force that pushes you to do sports, but each of us has expressed it in our own way.”

“I’ve always swam. I remember when my mother, when I was little, took me to the pool. Water gave me a great sense of liberation, even more so after what happened: it’s my place of peace during the day. My sister, on the other hand, became passionate about dance. My mother loved doing any sport and in general, she was always on the move, she went to the gym and did cross-fit, but she also liked following my father to admire new views.”

Climate change is the worst antagonist in this story…
“Not just this. I honestly can’t see a point of return. Climate change is already evident, much more than urgent. For now we have only postponed what we should do and the precautions we should take.”

Have you ever been up the Marmolada?
“I only got to the foot of the Marmolada, where the commemoration was held last year, which we will do again this year. But the idea of ​​continuing further never crossed my mind, because it would be useless: I know that he is here with us, always at our side.”

Who is in that “we”?
“There’s my sister Karen and I. We stayed together, in the family home. She graduated last year in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies and now works, while I have to finish my last year at the Tito Lucrezio Caro scientific high school in Cittadella. At our side, however, there are relatives, friends and all the people who loved them and continue to remember them.”

Are you referring to the event “Walking with Erica and Davide”?
“Yes, last year we were more than 550. On Saturday 6 July there will be this charity walk in Cittadella in their honor, wanted by me, my sister, my aunts, to be among us family members, but also with all the people who loved my parents, to remember them all together, doing something they liked to do: walking. The meeting is at 8 pm in Piazza Pierobon, where an easy 6 km route will begin, suitable for everyone. I thank all the sponsors who helped us build this event: registration (open from 6:30 pm) is 5 euros and everything will be donated to charity”.

2024-07-03 05:51:00
#dont #feel #angry #anymore #dad


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