Images of Italy and Switzerland after the destruction and chaos caused by heavy rains – El Sol de México

Extreme weather events are not limited to one region, with heavy rains hitting France, Italy and Switzerland over the weekend, causing flooding, landslides and killing at least seven people.

The rainy season has been intensified in all three countries by the melting of snow in the Alps, a mountain range that stretches from France to Slovenia, and passes through Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

Images of Switzerland, Italy and France after the rains

In Switzerland, torrential rains caused several rivers to overflow, among them is the Rodáno, which is one of the main rivers in the country and the second in Europe that belongs to the Mediterranean slope.

Of the four deaths recorded, three were due to a landslide in the Maggia valley of the canton of Ticino (south).

In addition, the overflow of Rodán flooded roads in which traffic was cut off.

A bridge was also destroyed and at least 400 people were evacuated from various campsites and homes.

More than 30 houses were affected by landslides or flooding.

“Also in Valais, one person died after being swept away by water and mud in the town of Saas Grund, in the Alps near the border with Italy,” EFE reports.

In this same place, the terrible conditions of the tracks forced the suspension of rail transport and the circulation of a highway.

On the Borgne River, a tributary of the Rhône, authorities used an excavator to solve the damage left by storms that caused flooding.

In the Italian region, the consequences of the rains affected dozens of people living in the Alpine valleys of Turin, who had to leave their homes.

Further north, in the Aosta Valley and Piedmont, weather conditions caused damage due to landslides and flooding.

The authorities of the Aosta Valley, one of the two regions in northern Italy next to Piedmont most affected by the strong storms this weekend, will request a state of natural disaster this Monday, while one of its towns, Cogne, remains isolated for damage caused by bad weather.

Following the rains of the last two days, which led to flooding, landslides, strong gusts of wind, damage and evacuations of people in areas where they were trapped, the Regional Council of Valle d’Aosta is trying to restore normality.

With information from EFE and AFP

2024-07-01 18:13:28
#Images #Italy #Switzerland #destruction #chaos #caused #heavy #rains #Sol #México


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