IN PICTURES. Kylian Mbappé celebrates Vertonghen’s own goal right in the Red Devil’s face after an earlier altercation

Poor Jan Vertonghen. In what may be his last match ever, he ensured the elimination of the Belgians with an unfortunate own goal. Kylian Mbappé added salt to the wound by turning to Vertonghen in celebration. A quarrel between the two players fifteen minutes earlier was the cause.

Minute seventy and a 0-0 score in the match between Belgium and France. Vertonghen and Mbappé get into a fight. It is not clear what the cause of the quarrel is. Mbappé seems angry about an action by Vertonghen, the Red Devils do not back down and shout something back.

A squabble that Mbappé has not forgotten fifteen minutes later. When a shot from Kolo Muani deflects off Vertonghen’s leg and the ball goes straight into the net, Mbappé is there in a flash to turn to our record international in celebration and shout something at him.

Vertonghen and Mbappé came to blows:

(Continue reading below the photo)

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Mbappé had not forgotten the incident fifteen minutes later:

2024-07-01 19:20:54
#PICTURES #Kylian #Mbappé #celebrates #Vertonghens #goal #Red #Devils #face #earlier #altercation


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