Insecurity has not affected doctors, says Michoacan’s Health Secretary – El Sol de México

MORELIA. Doctors and interns continue to work in Michoacán’s hospitals and clinics without risks or incidents, said the head of the Michoacán Health Secretariat (SSM), Lázaro Cortés Rangel.

“There have been situations of confrontation between people but they have nothing to do with the health sector. There are no threats or attacks. The health centers are working in a stable climate and are functioning without problems,” said the official in an interview with El Sol de Morelia.

Last Tuesday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that there are areas that health personnel have had difficulty reaching due to violence. In this regard, Cortés Rangel stated that there are no warning signs since specialists have not received threats or attacks, so medical units are operating normally.

Although the federal president reported that it is in the municipality of Buenavista, belonging to Tierra Caliente, where insecurity has made it difficult for specialists to go, the Secretary of Health indicated that he has not identified any where their work has been restricted.

The above, he argued, is due to the fact that there is an atmosphere of respect with the population, so “as long as the staff carries out their activities with respect, they will not have any limitations or restrictions with anyone. As long as they are respectful with each other, I think we will not have any problems.”

Read more: Violence drives medical interns away from communities

He said that on August 1, once the students have completed their community service, it will be announced whether any incidents related to insecurity occurred during their community service.

“(We will talk to them so that they do not) expose themselves to places where their safety is not guaranteed,” he said.

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2024-07-05 11:00:00
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