Iren Luce, Gas e Servizi Partners with Big Mat Bsc Grosseto Under 18 Team for Youth Sector Sponsorship

GROSSETO – Great victory for the Big Mat Bsc Grosseto Under 18 team. The red and whites, in fact, won 14-4 against Padule di Sesto Fiorentino, with the match ending early at the sixth attack. “After an uncertain start – comments Marcello Verni, manager of the Big Mat Bsc Grosseto under 18 -, the boys had the strength to react and score a fundamental victory for the continuation of the season. I would also like to underline the excellent performance of Lisci and the substitute De Rosa on the mound. Porto also did very well with a double and a triple, Galli with an inside home run and Lisci again with a triple” (photo Lettieri).

Another piece of good news for the red and whites. The partnership between Iren Luce, Gas e Servizi and Bsc Grosseto has been signed. The company, active in the supply, brokerage and sale of electricity, gas and heat, products and services, will sponsor the red and white youth sector. “We are truly happy,” commented the Bsc Grosseto company, “to be able to start this new journey with such a prestigious energy brand at our side. The resources will go to support and promote the growth of our boys and girls, obviously involving both baseball and softball, because this is the goal we have always set ourselves and that today Iren has decided to support.”

The sponsorship agreement covers the next few months of 2024, with the hope that it can be renewed for the future. “We hope – concludes Bsc Grosseto – that this is only the first step in a very long journey that we will travel together. In the meantime, we thank the company for having decided to invest and encourage the growth of our youth sector, a breeding ground for talents that are regularly selected every year to represent Italy and Tuscany”.

2024-07-05 13:56:23
#Big #Mat #Bsc #18s #victorious #Padule #sponsor #youth #teams


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