Italy’s Olympic Team Aims for 40+ Medals in Paris, With Focus on Wrestling and Judo

John Malagopresident of Coni, spoke to the Olympic team about wrestling and judo, declaring this: “Italy, of which you are a part, is presenting itself with a great team. The goal is to do better than Tokyo, so 40 medals plus one. We are very proud of you, now we are going to conquer Paris. In Tokyo with your team we won 5 medals, of which 2 (one gold, ed.) in karate, which no longer exists. So we will have to go and replace those two medals with others. But I am happy to charge you up a few days before the Games”.

The speech was complemented by the words of Fijlkam president, Domenico Falconand: “I think the CONI can be happy with how we have traced our path”. While speaking about Chamizo he concluded: “Justice has been done even if we expected the world federation to take less time, but in the end we obtained a deserved qualification”.

2024-07-03 17:57:43
#goal #Tokyo #Mio #Napoli


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