Join the 60+ Badminton Department in Faxe Ladeplads Sports Association for Fun and Fitness!

The badminton department for 60+ in Faxe Ladeplads Sports Association invites new players to try playing badminton in July and 2 August.

The activity takes place every Monday and Friday from eight to eleven in Hylleholt Hall at Hylleholt Skole in Faxe Ladeplads.

Players of many levels are welcome, but since the participants are not quite young anymore, almost only doubles is played.

After each set, lots are drawn for new partners, and the players make sure that the pairs are as evenly matched as possible, so that everyone gets some good matches.

Badminton is a great way to keep both body and mind in shape. The shuttlecock must be reached, and at the same time the game requires consideration of where the ball should be sent.

From 5 August the season continues in both Faxe and Faxe Ladeplads. On Mondays, games are usually played in Faxe’s old sports hall (at VUC) from eight o’clock.

Some players meet before eight o’clock, while others arrive an hour later, and it will be almost twelve o’clock before badminton and the subsequent cozy get-together with coffee and bread come to an end.

The club holds social events and some members participate in district conventions, often resulting in prize red wine for the winners.

2024-07-03 15:13:02
#Badminton #levels #Zealand #News


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