Joost Luiten Wins Legal Battle for Olympic Participation


By Ischa Gerrits 23 hours ago Modified: 21 hours ago


Joost Luiten has won his summary proceedings regarding participation in the Olympic Games against NOC NSF. The association did not want to send the golfer to the Games in Paris, but the judge did not find the arguments for this sufficient.

Luiten had met the requirements of the international IOC, but the requirements of the Dutch Olympic Federation are much stricter. According to NOC NSF he had no chance of reaching the top 8 during the Games.

Register before 5pm

Nonsense, Luiten thought, and so he went to court. The judge ruled in Luiten’s favor in the emergency procedure. That means that Luiten must be registered for the Games before 5:00 PM this afternoon.

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“If they do not do this, they will receive a fine of 50,000 euros,” Luiten told RTL Nieuws.

‘I did get confidence’

Director of top sports André Cats was also in the courtroom for NOC NSF. “During the hearing, the judge asked Cats if he would reconsider his decision,” says Luiten. “That gave me confidence in a good outcome.”

Lawyer David Dubach of Joost Luiten states that such a ruling does not occur often. “In 2012, a case was heard with marathon runner Boonstra, but she ultimately came up 7 seconds short and was therefore not proven right. Joost is now proven right.”

Dubach also reports that a penalty of 50,000 euros is defensible in this case. “They have to do something in the short term. If they don’t register Joost now, there will be a hefty sum in return. But I am convinced that they will register him now.”

NOC NSF tells RTL Nieuws that Joost Luiten will indeed register for the Games. “We will register him today.”

Other golfers don’t

The NOC NSF adds that the judge’s ruling does not mean that two other golfers also retroactively meet the requirements for participation.


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