Judo-Club du Poher Prepares for the Upcoming Season with Early Planning and Registration Dates Set

The season has barely ended when the leaders of the Judo-club du Poher are thinking about the one that will begin in September. On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, they met to define the schedule for the start of the school year. Registration hours will be on Friday, August 30 and Wednesday, September 4, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Yves-Vaucher hall. During the hours dedicated to these registrations, training is planned to prepare for the demonstrations that will be given at the Associations Forum on September 7, at the Glenmor space. From now on, those who wish to join the association for next season can contact Béatrice Rubeaux-Grandin, tel. 06 68 48 99 55.

2024-07-02 08:49:38
#Judoclub #Poher #preparing #start #school #year #September


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