Judo-Taïso RC52 Hosts Successful Open Day at Maison du temps libre

On Saturday, June 29, Judo-Taïso RC52 organized its traditional Open Day at 5 p.m. at the Maison du temps libre. To kick off this event, the large crowd had the opportunity to watch judo and taïso demonstrations performed by the members.

In a friendly atmosphere, the different holds and techniques were explained by the club’s teacher, Thierry Masson.

At the end of the various demonstrations, Thierry Masson reported on the sporting results before presenting the judokas with their belt-related diplomas. Present at this day, a good number of the 70 licensees also received a backpack from the club.

Witness to the good atmosphere that reigns within the club, the meal, in which 43 people participated, came to close this day of cohesion. The training ended on Monday July 1st and the members of the RC52 will meet again on Monday September 9th for a new season.

2024-07-01 20:03:46
#JudoTaïso #RC52 #opens #doors


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