KAA Gent Introduces Palm Authentication for Stadium Access: A First in Belgium

KAA Gent will come up with a first for Belgium in the new season. Anyone who wants to order a pint or enter the stadium will be able to do so via … the palm of their hand. Last season there was already a pilot project running in the Planet Group Arena.

Last season, KAA Gent tested an innovative access to the stadium together with Perfect-ID. On Sunday 29 October, the system was tested by members of the Young Business Club of KAA Gent before the match against Standard.

With an innovative pilot project, KAA Gent wants to start testing to take the fan experience to a new level by introducing Perfect-ID’s advanced Palmki palm authentication system. It is the first time that a Pro League club in Belgium tests this innovative technology.

Revolutionary plan

Marc Strackx, Director of Perfect-ID, already showed his enthusiasm about this collaboration: “We are delighted to work together with KAA Gent and StarNet to test this pilot project. Palmki’s palm authentication offers a secure, fast and innovative method to provide fans with smooth and efficient access. This pilot project will help us understand how fans respond to this groundbreaking technology. Based on the results and feedback, further research can be done on how the technology can best be integrated into football stadiums.”

KAA Gent starts pilot project for palm identification✋

MORE I pic.twitter.com/r7Ja9gQnG1

— KA Gent (@KAGent) October 27, 2023

“In our ongoing search for more comfort for our spectators and inspired by the new “Safe Football” law, we went in search of an innovative technology to provide spectators with smooth and safe access to the stadium. We are delighted to have found a Flemish partner for this in Palmki. In addition, the input of the various academic partners in this project is very important for KAA Gent because we want this to take place with the greatest possible respect for privacy and GDPR.” – Dirk Piens, director of organization KAA Gent.

Eddy Muylaert, CEO of StarNet, sees this collaboration as an opportunity to pave the way for a more convenient and efficient access procedure at football stadiums: “We are very enthusiastic about working on this innovative project to further optimize access control in football stadiums with a view to the future. This will offer supporters fast and efficient access to the stadium and also avoid all further personal checks. As market leader and loyal partner of KAA Gent, we look forward to a positive collaboration with Perfect-ID to enhance the fan experience based on this technological progress.”


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