Local Resident Thwarts Attempted Car Break-in in Tussenhausen

During the night of July 1, 2024 to July 2, 2024, an attempted break-in into a car occurred in Tussenhausen, which was thwarted thanks to the attention of a local resident.

At around 2:20 a.m., a resident of Pfarrer-Franz-Mayer-Weg noticed three unknown people on his video surveillance trying to gain access to an unlocked vehicle. A male person, described as wearing a brown baseball cap, a white T-shirt, gray pants and a black jacket, opened the vehicle door but searched the vehicle without success. When the resident spoke to the perpetrators, they fled the scene along with two other people.

The police are asking witnesses who can provide information about the suspects to contact the Bad Wörishofen police station on 08247 96800.


2024-07-02 11:11:06
#Perpetrator #run #AllgäuHIT


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