Marin Pongracic – The Series

Marin Pongracic, two years ago he arrived in Lecce with the label of a good player, but he had not kept his promises. The Croatian who grew up in Germany, in fact, also due to various physical problems, had disappointed both at Wolfsburg and Borussia Dortmund. Corvino, however, had no qualms about betting on him when the Salento team returned to Serie A. It seemed like a gamble, but the choice turned out to be a good one. Together with Umtiti, Pongracic formed one of the best defensive pairs in Serie A before a new injury knocked him out. Lecce, however, bought him back last summer, determined to make him the defensive linchpin of the team. Pongracic has not disappointed expectations, demonstrating that, when he is physically well, he has few rivals. Now a new leap could arrive for him, still in Serie A. In fact, Fiorentina, Bologna and Roma are after him. His valuation is 15 million euros.

Pongracic, a born leader

Marin Pongracic in these two years of Serie A he has fully shown his qualities. He is a central player who is especially skilled in reading the action. He is not impetuous in the intervention phase and also has a good basic technique that makes him useful even in the setup phase. His physique is certainly not lacking, but that does not make him the classic tall guy with wooden feet, because as mentioned, his best weapon is undoubtedly his reading of the action that leads him to often and willingly anticipate his opponent. For this reason, the interest in him is increasing visibly. Corvino, skilled at dealing, already imagines a nice capital gain.

Pongracic to Fiorentina: 45%

Lin Florence she was the first to deal Pongracic on the express instructions of Palladino, a coach who would like a central player capable of setting up the action. According to what the Sports Courier, Pradè has been trying to find a solution to a complex negotiation for some time nowas Lecce, strong in their interest in the player, do not want to lower their rating. However, the Viola still remain ahead.

Pongracic al Bologna: 40%

The Gazzetta dello Sport writes that, with Calafiori leaving for Arsenal, Marin Pongracic be the first choice to replace the former Roma player. Sartori has always been a great admirer of the Croatian and has apparently decided to try to sign him. First, as written, Calafiori must leave. At the moment Bologna is behind in the negotiations, but the prospect of competing in the Champions League could make the difference.

Pongracic to Roma: 15%

The Roma is one of the companies most interested in Pongracic. The portal reports it According to the latest news to replace Smalling, De Rossi reportedly asked to try and take the Croatian. In this case, we are talking about the player’s approval of the transfer, but of an agreement far from being reached between the parties. In fact, the Giallorossi must first sell in order to buy and this risks relegating them to the bottom of the race for the centre-back.

David Luciani

2024-07-05 18:00:08
#Marin #Pongracic #Series


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