Matías Lizarazu | Sports director of Sestao River, First Federation: «The idea is to start the preseason with twelve or fourteen players»

Friday, July 5, 2024, 09:52


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After having defined the future of the entire squad from last season, with only Markel Etxeberria, Gorka Garai, Asier del Río and Leandro Martínez remaining, and having started the signing chapter with the youngsters Marcos Bustillo and Adrián Miranda, it is a good time to ask the sporting director, Matías Lizarazu, about the direction that Sestao River will take in this market, among other issues.

– What does it mean to you to be the youngest sporting director in national football?

– The message I sent to my family the day after I was hired was that I had fulfilled a dream. I am very proud to be the sporting director of Sestao River at 25 years of age. I am not afraid of it and I accept it with complete naturalness and the utmost responsibility.

– He was an employee of the San Pablo Group and has a close relationship with its president. Does this company have any ties to the club?

– In principle, there will be no link. However, the president of the group is willing to meet the board and the situation of the club, as he was the first to be happy when I told him the news. He is a friend of mine, he is willing to learn about the project and lend a hand for the future.

– The club wanted eleven players to stay, but only four have stayed. What difficulties does this entail when planning the squad?

– We wanted to continue an important block from last season, but the players have been attracted by projects with bigger budgets and offers that are not within our reach. It is something that I could have expected and it is not new in this club. Sestao River has always had to reinvent itself.

– Has any march been particularly painful for you?

– No. Perhaps because of his experience and what he means for the club, Gaizka Martínez’s situation is the one we have valued the most. But I am extremely happy with the decision he has made because it is a unique opportunity for him and he deserves it.

– Are you worried that there are only six players in the squad now?

– No. To go after the player we want, we have to be patient and go at a much slower pace of the market. We knew that the important dates for us would be the end of July and in August.

– How many signings do you have lined up?

– We would like to finish this week with seven or eight players. The idea is to start the preseason –17 July– with twelve or fourteen and make an important push at the end.

– You have identified transfers from nearby quarries as market niches. Are there any agreements of this type already closed?

– Not yet. There are ongoing talks. In these youth teams there are many youngsters who are starting pre-season in squads that have not yet been finalised. That is where we must be attentive in order to bring interesting players into our club.

– Are there any interesting loans at Athletic?

– Yes, there are some very good players. Although we still don’t have any information on who can go out on loan because Bilbao Athletic has a new coach.

– You have played on the pitch with around twenty players who are playing in this First Federation. Is there anyone in the orbit of Sestao River?

– I have had conversations with some of them. Because we share a dressing room or have faced them, they are natural and close conversations, but nothing is finalized.

– Will they play the Federation Cup?

– Yes, that is our idea. It is an attractive competition, as it can give you access to the Copa del Rey. We know what that means in the social and economic aspect.

– Apart from the friendlies against Bilbao Athletic, Avilés and Tudelano, will there be any more?

– We are waiting to close a couple more of them, in addition to the Federation Cup match.

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2024-07-05 07:52:06
#Matías #Lizarazu #Sports #director #Sestao #River #Federation #idea #start #preseason #twelve #fourteen #players


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