May Madness: A Month of Success for Grande Falco Archers

Wonderful May and super events for the Grande Falco, where the entire competitive season is at stake for the falcons; but they are ready, both in the Fitarco individual races and in the team races valid for the 3D qualifications for the National final near Oristano, which will take place in September. In addition, in the summer phase of the Pinocchio Trophy Olympic division, 9 of the falcons participate, all with excellent results such as Alessia Grasso, Palella Lorenzo, Imbrisca Gioia, Parrini Giulio, Peria Filippo, Giunchino Sveva, Manca Flavio and the two little 8-year-olds like Lisanti Alice and Ciomei Melissa in the experimental and 4 qualify in the youngsters/boys male and female category and earn the National final for Latina in June with the entire Tuscany team that brings 15 athletes; the final went very well as already written in the previous article in June and which we saw live on the Youarco channel that Fitarco broadcasts as a service to the athletes.

In addition to the final in Latina, there was also the final of the Coni Trophy in Sicily at stake, where there was room for only four archers and here too a great result for our Alessia Grasso, who pulled out a sensational performance of 60 arrows at 18 meters and earned the ticket to Catania, leaving us moved in front of the podium.

Of course there were many other important competitions and events in the month of May, including qualifications to reach the various National finals. The boys in fact, in the 3D category already in April with Mazzi Tommaso, Anselmi Zeno, Volosciusc Ivan, Cristina Nicolai, Romano Luca, Nuccetelli Lorenzo, Manca Flavio and Costanzo Melania and the adults, Nuccetelli Fabio, Anselmi Patrizio, Schezzini Claudia, Bolano Patrizio had done well as individual and team results in which they took a lot of satisfaction and some of them also competed in May like Luca Romano, Costanzo Melania and Nicolai Cristina all arriving on the podium. Important results also in the plate category competitions in Ugnano (Fi) both on Saturday 22nd where there were only Tommaso Mazzi compound bow and Ivan Volosciuc bare bow, and also on Sunday 23rd with the Double Round still present Tommy and Ivan with also Leonardo Cafaro, said without obligation, and Dora Cafaro Olympic bow division; All these boys arrive on the podium!!! So the great results continue.

A great commitment and sacrifice for these very young boys and girls, in conjunction with school and exams, and for their families who follow them assiduously, repaid with beautiful gratifications!

Also in May, the Grande Falco organized and took part in many interesting events such as the closing with awards of the winter indoor social competitions in the gym, one of which was in Pomonte thanks to the Il Calello Association which welcomed us wonderfully, laying the foundations for the future, the 3D race set up thanks mainly to the William Cignoni family at the Canapai Camping in Rio, with a swim in the pool, the Sports Festival thanks to US Rio which we thank and the Libeccio Trail in Sant’ Andrea organized thanks to the Il Libeccio Association, where we had archery.

Also, no less noteworthy, the beautiful historical medieval race of Prova Nazionale Lam, which next year will become a Championship, in the beautiful Certaldo in which our Hass Jens participated.
Honor and long live the Great Falcon!

2024-07-05 05:17:00
#wonderful #month #archers #Grande #Falco #Elbapress


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