Meet Peanut Butter: The Shiba Inu Speedrunner Taking the Gaming Community by Storm

There was a special contestant at the summer Games Done Quick 2024 event held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and he was a Shiba Inu named Peanut Butter.

During the charity event, the Shiba Inu Peanut Butter followed the instructions of his owner JSR, played the baseball game “Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball” on the SFC (Super Nintendo) and successfully completed a double to win the game.

This is not the first time Peanut Butter has participated in a speed-running competition. As early as July 2023, he set a speed-running record of 25 minutes and 29 seconds in “Robotic Assembly”. This achievement was not only recognized by the official, but also a “dog-assisted” classification entry was specially created for it.

On his YouTube channel, Peanutbutter’s owner JSR_ explained: “It took years of training for Peanutbutter to play games. When he was a puppy, I realized he was much smarter than most dogs I’d ever met, so I wanted to train him to do something special. Since I’m a speedrunner, speedrunning games was a natural choice for me.”

He also explained the origin of the name “Peanut Butter”: In speed running, the abbreviation “PB” for “Personal Best” is often used, and the abbreviation of peanut butter in English “Peanut Butter” is also “PB”.

This article is produced and published by Youmi Starry Sky. Any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

2024-07-05 14:28:10
#Shiba #Inu #Peanut #Butter #participated #speedrun #competition #successfully #completed #double #baseball


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