Milan Primavera, Federico Guidi is the new coach. Calciomercato news

Federico Guidi is the new coach of Milan Primavera. The Rossoneri club made the announcement with a note on their official website. “Born in Florence on 23 December 1976, Federico Guidi began his coaching career at youth level withEmpoli in 1999, from the summer of 2007 he moved to Fiorentina coaching various categories up to the U19 with which, in the 2016/17 season, he reached the Scudetto Final. Scudetto that Guidi himself won in the 2010/11 season with the Viola U15 team. Subsequently, he was called to coach the U20 National team and then the U19 National team. After the two experiences in Azzurro, Guidi also gained important experience in major categories by coaching Gubbio in Serie C, then Casertana and Teramo, to take up the technical leadership of the company in July 2022 Spring of Rome, formation with which last May he obtained the pass for the championship Final. In the two years spent in Trigoria with the Giallorossi Primavera, the coach also won a Coppa Italia and an Italian Super Cup. The Tuscan coach now joins the Milan Primavera, from this U20 season, with a multi-year contract. The Rossoneri Club extends a warm welcome to Federico”.-

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Milan #Primavera #Federico #Guidi #coach #Calciomercato #news


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