Milan’s Relegation Battle: A Look at the Upcoming Matches

The relegation pool starts on July 20th on the Grizzlies’ field: Milan will play 4 away games and 3 at home against Senago (July 28th), Crocetta (August 25th) and Codogno (September 1st). The match will close on September 8th in Parma with Oltretorrente. The one with Codogno will be the most classic challenge of the group with its 52 precedents. And after three years we find Turin, Senago and Crocetta

The last challenge between Milan and Codogno in 2022 in Serie B: the two teams will meet for the 53rd time on September 1st at Kennedy

With the groups of the relegation pool made, the federation has also made the calendars official: Milan will begin the second phase (which is divided into a one-way round) in Turin on the Grizzlies’ field on July 20, while it will make its home debut on Sunday 28 against Senago. The last day is scheduled in Parma on September 8 at the home of Oltretorrente. The other two home matches for Milan are scheduled for August 25 with Crocetta and September 1 with Codogno.

This is the complete calendar:

July 20: Turin-Milan
July 28: Milan-Senago
August 4th: Poviglio-Milan
August 11: Settimo Torinese-Milan
August 25: Milan-Crocetta Parma
September 1st: Milan-Codogno
September 8: Over the Torrent Parma-Milan

Two of these teams have already been faced by the rossoblù in the first phase: Poviglio (with one win and three losses) and Settimo Torinese (two to two). Codogno, Oltretorrente, Torino and Senago were classified in order in group E, while Crocetta comes from group C in which it fought to the end for access to the playoff preliminaries with Rovigo.

Codogno and the two Parma teams should be the two most popular teams in the group, so the rossoblù should compete with the other four for salvation. The last-placed team will be forced into a salvation playout with the last-placed teams in the other two groups to determine the two teams that will be relegated to B.

Of all the teams in the group, Codogno is the one we have faced the most times (52 precedents), while Poviglio and Settimo Torinese (18 challenges) remain the least frequented. Torino is the oldest opponent (first crossing even in 1949), the Grizzlies themselves, Senago and Crocetta are the ones we have not faced for the longest time, namely since the last season in Serie A in 2021.


2024-07-03 10:07:07
#schedule #phase #start #Turin #home #Senago


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