Monaco still has to pay 300,000 euros of luxury tax to the LNB

Contrary to what several sources, including one close to the National League, as well as the Principality’s club itself, had told us – the problem of the luxury tax (1.25 million euros) that Monaco must pay to compensate for its tax advantages, in order to be able to participate in Betclic Elite, has not been completely resolved.

The LNB specified this Thursday morning that the club from the Rock, if it had indeed made a new transfer at the end of last week, would have paid only 70% of its due. The ASM should therefore, according to this calculation, still owe around 300,000 euros to the body to settle the case. Sums expected “in the coming days”, says the League, as a warning.

Without this final payment, the legal and disciplinary committee would be notified, with the range of known sanctions, which could range from a simple fine to the withdrawal of victories in the Championship (of which Monaco is the double title holder), through to a refusal to engage in Betclic Elite next season. A final scenario which would be a catastrophe for both parties and nevertheless seems unlikely today.


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