Monday’s Losers: How Bad to Be a Coach and a Striker

Monday’s Losers: How Bad to Be a Coach and a Striker

Euro 2024 has arrived at its peak moment, namely the knockout stage. And of course, in step with the competition, it also goes Monday losers. Because bad luck, in this tournament, is having a significant component. But who are the protagonists this time? The scene is being taken by the CT and the attackers.

Someone talk about Luis!

The Spain is without a doubt the most brilliant team, at least up to this point, of this European Championship. Everyone, or almost everyone, talks about the players, starting from the young star Yamal and arriving at the pillar Rodri. Few focus on the great work done by from the source. The CT managed to make the classic Spanish ball possession coexist with a concreteness that, in matches of this level, makes the difference. All in a context of quality, speed and rhythm. And now the challenge with Germany, which perhaps can give the coach the right space and merit.

Schranz, an almost hero

There were just a few seconds left to enter the history of Slovakia and also of the European Championship. Schranz’s goal made a people and an entire country dream, with a coup and a historic result, which was truly a step. A pearl from Bellingham brought everyone back to reality. And the striker himself, in the post-match, admitted that there will hardly be another opportunity like this. For him and for his national team. This is football. This is bad luck.

Gianluca don’t take it personally

Zero goals and few balls available, almost all played very badly. The image of Scamacca’s European Championship is the post with Switzerland. The striker has somewhat disappointed expectations. But why the cover of the Monday losers? Because going from the perfect Atalanta machine, where everything works down to the smallest details, to a national team where nothing worked, is certainly not the height of luck.

Monday’s Losers: How Bad to Be a Coach and a Striker

2024-07-01 10:00:19
#Mondays #Losers #Bad #Coach #Striker


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