Necochea Archers Shine at Argentine Federal Shooting Tournament

This Sunday, the archers of the Necochea Archery High Performance Center (CARTAM) demonstrated their ability and skill in the homologation tournament held by the Argentine Federal Shooting of Mar del Plata. Daniela Gil competed in the senior women’s free recurve category, Brenda Casanovas in the +50 women’s satin, Mariana Cedrón in the senior ladies’ satin, and Daniel González in the men’s senior satin, proudly representing the city of Necochea.

At the end of the event, the results achieved by the Necochea archers were impressive:

  • Daniela Gil won the gold medal in senior free recurve.
  • Brenda Casanovas stood out with the gold medal in the +50 flat.
  • Mariana Cedrón won the bronze medal in senior competition.
  • Daniel González won the gold medal in senior satin.

These achievements reflect the hard work and dedication of the Necochea archers, who are now preparing for their next challenge outside the city, scheduled for Sunday, July 14 in Bahía Blanca. The CARTAM community and all Necochenses celebrate these results and look forward to the next competitive challenges.

2024-07-01 14:08:27
#Resounding #success #Necochenses #archers #Federal #Shooting #Mar #del #Plata


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