New Era Begins: Merger of Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Villeneuve, and Martiel Basketball Clubs

The basketball clubs of Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Villeneuve and Martiel are merging in order to “pool strengths and resources”.

This is a long-standing project that is finally seeing the light of day. For three years, the basketball clubs of Villefranche (BBV12), Martiel and Villeneuve have been working on a merger. An agreement that was just made official last week during an exceptional general meeting. This resulted in the creation of a new club, Basket-Ball Martiel 2V (Villefranche and Villeneuve).

Coping with the lack of volunteers and players

“The goal is to pool our resources and address the lack of volunteers, coaches and players,” comments Yann Germain, current president of Basket-Ball Villefranche 12, and one of the players in this project. “It’s important for the youth categories. In recent seasons, the three clubs often found themselves with 3 to 4 players per team. Even though we noticed a general increase in the number of members, it was still insufficient and difficult to manage. Now, the numbers will converge. We are pooling our strengths under the same banner.”

In running-in

The future club is also looking for volunteers, players and coaches. It will be led by a team of three presidents, one from each club. The teams are currently working to pool training and match schedules, depending on the available fields. “This first season will serve as a running-in for this restructuring,” adds Yann Germain.
For the senior team, it must strengthen with the aim of remaining in the pre-national. Players are also expected and are being recruited. To replace the former coach Vincent Da Silva, Anthony Guillamet, an important player in basketball in Aveyron, will take over the team.

“A stronghold of basketball”

With this merger, the objective is clear: “We want to become a stronghold of basketball in Aveyron,” says Yann Germain. “We are happy and proud to finalize this project and which will promote the practice of basketball in the Villefranchois area.”

2024-07-04 15:16:34
#joining #forces #basketball #clubs #Aveyron #merging #form


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