New governors commit to implementing the government plan in all provinces and regions

Governors of 10 provinces and three regions of the country took possession of their positions before the President of the Republic of Panama, Jose Raul Mulino.

These new authorities will be responsible for coordinating the execution of P in their respective provinces.Government Lantogether to the provincial councils, municipal councils and other authorities of popular power, explained President Mulino during the ceremony, which took place in the Yellow Room of the Palace of the Herons.

“You are fundamental, and I will give you all the support of the Presidency so that you can follow that path,” the president stressed. “I believe in People’s Power, because it is the pyramidal base of the political structure of the State,” Indian.

The Minister of Government, participated in the inauguration ceremony, Dinoska Montalvo.

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Below are the new governors of provinces and regions:

Mayin Correa Delgado
Governor of the Province of Panama

Edgardo Ramon Ibarra
Governor of the Province of Bocas del Toro

Irving Alberto Gonzalez Martinez
Governor of the Province of Coclé

Julio Hernandez Gregoire
Governor of the Province of Colon

Aixa Santamaria Muñoz
Governor of the Province of Chiriquí

Arnulfo Diaz De Leon
Governor of the Province of Darien

Elias Corro Cano
Governor of the Province of Herrera

Fernando Gonzalez B.
Governor of the Province of Los Santos

Marilyn Vallarino from Sellhorn
Governor of the Province of Western Panama

Hildemarta Riera Diaz
Governor of the Province of Veraguas

Ramon Mendoza
Governor of the Ngabe Buglé Region

Raquela Carpio Degaiza
Governor of the Emberá-Wounaan Region

Elizandro Hernandez Morales
Governor of the Guna Yala Region

2024-07-03 17:59:54
#governors #commit #implementing #government #plan #provinces #regions


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