Nightmare in China: Noah Vonleh’s Horrific Experience with the Shanghai Sharks

By Joël Pütz | Sports journalist

Like some players who have failed to find a place in the NBA, Noah Vonleh tried to relaunch his career via China this season. But the center had a nightmarish experience there, the shocking details of which he shared on Instagram recently.

The name Noah Vonleh probably won’t mean much to younger NBA fans. Drafted 9th overall by the Hornets in 2021, the center ultimately failed to make his mark in the big league, whether in Charlotte, Portland or New York. Even a brief return in 2022-23 under the Celtics’ colors wasn’t enough, and he spent last season in China, with the Shanghai Sharks.

Having already spent a first time in this stable two years ago, the former Indiana University player however lived a nightmare this time. While he was staying at the hotel in Shanghai, the GM of the team would have asked the staff of the establishment to expel him by force. Vonleh also shared a video of his misadventure on social networks, in order to make public the mistreatment he is undergoing.

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This is how Shanghai Sharks treat their players. They make me sleep in the lobby… they don’t even allow me to go up to my room.

But Vonleh’s troubles don’t stop there, quite the contrary… in addition to owing him salary compensation dating back to the 2021-22 season, the Chinese club allegedly endangered his health and spread lies about the big man, as he explained without filter in a long series of posts on Instagram. The story is absolutely chilling:

I was injured during the season and my return took longer than expected. The Sharks tried to rush me back multiple times and had team doctors and doctors outside the team lie to me and tell me I was ready to play. I sent my MRI results to doctors in the United States who offered different options and confirmed that I was not ready to return to competition.

Because the injury was taking too long, the Sharks tried to find ways to terminate my fully guaranteed contract. They wrongly terminated the contract on February 26, 2024. They started sending warnings to my Chinese agents telling them that I was not showing up for practice. (…) The league saw, based on the security footage, that they were wrong and should never have terminated the contract. I was showing up for practice every day.

The Shanghai Sharks treated Noah Vonleh very badly, to the point where the Chinese league had to step in. However, there is no chance that the former Blazer will ever play for them again… The question remains where he will continue his career.

2024-07-02 21:12:46
#Exiled #China #NBA #player #lets #loose #sleep


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