Olympic Athletes from Ivory Coast and Cuba Training in Mayenne

The first Olympic athletes have just arrived in Mayenne. Two foreign delegations are currently training at the brand new Clarisse Agbegnenou dojo in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne: Ivory Coast and Cuba. With 3 judokas qualified for the Games: Idalys Ortiz-Bocourt (+78 kg) and Maylin Del Toro Carvajal (-63 kg) for Cuba and Zouleiha Diabonne for Ivory Coast (-57 kg).

They attend two to three training sessions per day. And this week, the Mayenne site is also hosting training courses for amateur judo clubs, the youngest of which are 12 years old. And they come from all over France to take advantage of the preparation of the Cubans and Ivorians.


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2024-07-04 19:23:45
#Paris #ChâteauGontiersurMayenne #dojo #welcomes #athletes #qualified #Olympic #Games


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