Overlord Judo Club Sees Increase in Membership and Community Engagement

The overlord judo club held its general meeting on Wednesday in the village hall. With 128 members this season and an average of 122 members over the four years of the Olympiad, our numbers have increased by 23%, underlines Stéphane Taysse president.

The profiles are very diverse and this diversity has its benefits because we include people with disabilities, to whom two licensees have given their time to support them.

Numbers fluctuate depending on age. Self-defense, stable, deserves to grow. Women represent 36% of the workforce, a slight increase. Around 50% of licensees are Overlords.

The club has not been idle: it has organized a family judo morning, participated in the town’s Olympic day and set up its friendly tournament. It also participates in departmental judo bodies, such as general meetings, the organization of a kata preparation course or the regional reception of the training of federal ju-jitsu animators. The assembly ended with the presentation of awards and diplomas.

Contact : Stéphane Taysse tel. 06 62 74 57 21; [email protected]

2024-07-01 04:42:57
#SuzesurSarthe #Numbers #increasing #judo #club


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