Parisian bars to stay open all night for opening and closing ceremonies – Libération

The Paris prefecture announced on Wednesday, July 3, that bars in the capital are authorized to open on the nights of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, on July 26, August 11 and 28, as well as September 8.

Until now, Laurent Nuñez has not particularly enjoyed a reputation as an inveterate party animal. However, the Paris police prefect signed an order dated this Wednesday, July 3, which exceptionally authorizes the approximately 15,000 drinking establishments in the capital to remain open all night during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

To justify his decision – which risks annoying residents’ associations – the prefect explains in particular that the holding of the Games “is part of a series of free festivities organized by the city of Paris, outside of competition sites”. And relies on “the exceptional nature of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games”. Before concluding: “As a result, drinking establishments will be able to remain open on the nights of July 26 to 27, August 11 to 12, August 28 to August 29 and September 8 to 9.”

Public order and angry associations

However, it is recalled that the operators of drinking establishments “remain, even in this exceptional context, guarantors of the preservation of public order within their establishment”. The takeaway sale on the public highway of drinks and fast food products will also be authorized all night on the same dates.

Several local residents’ associations, such as Droit au Sommeil, the Vivre Paris network – which brings together local associations – and Pour une ville désirable, had protested in March against Anne Hidalgo’s decision to extend the opening hours of summer terraces until midnight throughout the Games period, compared to the usual 10 p.m. They had notably denounced a “disregard for the health of local residents”.


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