Participate in the Survey for the Development of DOSB Club Manager C Training: Your Voice Matters!

ESAB requests that all persons active in sports clubs or associations – whether as a member, coach, board member or in another capacity – take part in a survey on the further development of DOSB club manager C training.

Sebastian Müller from the Education Department at ESAB gives reasons why you should participate:

  • Your voice counts: Help us to make the DOSB Club Manager C training sustainable.
  • Gain insights: Find out more about current trends in club management.
  • Chance to win attractive prizes: We will raffle off among all participants 3 vouchers from our current educational offering on the topic of “Club Management/Leaders”.

“We need your support for this,” he asks the clubs and all people involved in sport and also shows what everyone can expect:

  • A short online survey (approx. 3-5 minutes)
  • Questions about your experiences, wishes and ideas regarding club management
  • Absolute confidentiality of your information through an anonymous survey

“Your participation is an important contribution to strengthening club sports in the sporting state of Brandenburg. Help us to make the training of club managers fit for the future,” he appeals.

The board of the Brandenburg Judo Association supports this survey and asks all judoka to take part. There are only eleven questions to which you can tick answers.

The Link to ESAB survey

2024-07-04 23:11:46
#Call #clubs #Brandenburg #Judo #Association


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