Peking University Faculty Basketball Game Unites Staff and Honors Winners

2024/07/04 Information source: School Union

Text: Faculty Basketball Association | Photography: Zhu Boya | Editor: Qingmiao | Editor: Yan Yuan

On June 17, the first 3-person basketball game for faculty and staff of Peking University was held. The event attracted 33 teams to sign up, lasted for 10 days, and had a total of 108 exciting games. This basketball game is not only a grand event of sports competition, but also a platform for faculty and staff to unite and cooperate and show team spirit. The faculty and staff shed sweat on the court, showing their love for sports and loyalty to the team. An Yufeng, deputy director and secretary-general of the School Affairs Committee and chairman of the labor union, Zhang Baoling, executive vice chairman of the school labor union, and Zhang Xiaomeng, vice chairman, attended the game and presented awards to the winning teams.

In the under-40 category, the sports team won the championship with excellent teamwork and superb skills. Their success not only reflects the vitality and passion of young faculty and staff, but also demonstrates the profound heritage of Peking University’s physical education.

Champion under 40 years old

In the over-40 category, the Jiji team won the final victory with its steady tactics and rich experience. Their victory proved that age is not a limitation, but the accumulation of experience and wisdom.

Champion of the Over 40 Years Old Category

The first Peking University faculty and staff 3-on-3 basketball game not only enriched the faculty and staff’s spare time and enhanced team cohesion, but also added a touch of color to the campus culture construction, and also marked that the sports spirit of Peking University faculty and staff has been inherited and developed. We hope that everyone can continue to show the style of Peking University in future competitions.

Peking University Faculty Basketball Game is not only a feast of sports competition, but also an exchange of spiritual culture. Let us look forward to the arrival of the next game, and then we will meet again and continue our love for basketball.


2024-07-04 02:34:52
#Peking #Universitys #3aside #basketball #game #faculty #staff #held


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