Pistoia-Cento: «a relationship that leads to twinning»

With this joint press release, the Pistoia and Cento groups announce that they have officially established a twinning relationship.
Since the days of the Red Devils Pistoia and Fossa dei Leoni Cento, a great friendship was born between the two clubs, characterized by a unity of purpose and a shared mentality, in addition to the great brotherly relationship experienced perfectly by both parties.
The years have passed, the categories have differentiated and the groups have changed, but not the affection and the bond that has always kept us united.
Even though the generations have changed, it was enough to meet again to revive the glories of the past. It was beautiful to see our young people find themselves with the same chemistry that we older ones found ourselves with back then.
The repeated mutual visits combined with the exchange of presences in the curve have done nothing but strongly cement this relationship which, as is right, leads to the right conclusion of the twinning.
With pride and mutual respect, long live the bond between Pistoia and Cento.

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2024-07-02 08:06:55
#PistoiaCento #relationship #leads #twinning


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