Police Crackdown on Juvenile Crime: Raids, Arrests, and The Escape of a 17 Year Old Boy

Bologna, July 3, 2023 – Just yesterday the escape not so daring of a 17 year old boy from the juvenile prison of Pratello. Followed by cry of suffering of the prison police forces on the overcrowding of the juvenile detention facility (which currently houses 43 inmates).

Police raid in 15 communities: 12 in Bologna, 2 in Valsamoggia and one in Monghidoro

And since this morning the police have gone on the counterattack: they have carried out “numerous searches” in 15 communities that host minors both in the city and in the province. The balance is nine kids reported, drugs and weapons seized.

The police also explains that “in the last few months many have been minors involved in various criminal episodes occurred in the city of Bologna”.

Within the scope of the so-called “High Impact” services, arranged by the Central Anti-Crime Directorate – Central Operations Service, are “over two hundred the women and men of the State Police employed” in these activities among operators of the Flying Squad, crews of the Crime Prevention Departments, personnel of the Scientific Police and contingents of the Flying Department. Further details will be provided later.

The searches

Blitz in 15 communities: 12 in Bologna, 2 in Valsamoggia and one in Monghidoro. Control yourself in all 206 minorsfive boys who did not have the right to enter some communities were found. Kidnapped weapons, laptops, 12 cell phones, scooters, 2 baseball bats, 6 screwdrivers, 5 medium-sized knives, as well as narcotic substanceespecially hashish.

Reported 3 minors for possession of narcotic substance (40 gr of hashish); 4 minors for the crime of prescription (laptops, cell phones, scooters); 2 minors for the crime of illegal possession of weapons and objects capable of causing offence (screwdrivers, knives, baseball bats). The searches were started both by reports from some of the leaders of said communities and by the investigative leads acquired by the Police and by the analysis of various profiles of some minors. The activities were aimed at finding and seize various types of weapons, in particular knives or guns, which are often used for robberies or aggravated thefts. The investigative activities have allowed the identification of the alleged perpetrators of various episodes in minors hosted in the various communities located in the province.

The numbers

From January to June, the State Police carried out 8 arrests for the crimes of murder, attempted murder and robbery. Six minors were arrested in flagrante delicto for robbery, another 52 minors were reported at liberty for the crimes of drug dealing, robbery, assault, carrying improper weapons, receiving stolen goods, threats, theft and resisting a Public Official. The countries of origin of the minors involved in these investigative activities are Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Albania.

Who is the escapee from Pratello?

And 17 year old boyof Tunisian origin, first climbed over the fence of the courtyard and then the external wall: it happened yesterday, right at Pratello. The boy – who will turn 18 in a month – is still wanted. He had been arrested on charges of being part of the banda composed of 4 very young people who, at the end of April, had Two pizza makers from Via Toscana robbedThe owners were threatened with a machete it’s a knifeThe escapee had been arrested on May 9 in the Reggio Emilia area.

2024-07-03 14:23:57
#escape #Pratello #raid #juvenile #detention #facilities #Bologna #weapons #drugs #seized


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