Private investment will return to the energy sector in the Sheinbaum government – El Sol de México

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), oil rounds and electricity auctions will return to the agenda of investment projects in the energy sector with the new government of Claudia Sheinbaum, said Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, elected deputy of Morena and part of the central group of the virtual president-elect.

In an interview with El Sol de México, he explained that the idea is to get out of the current impasse in which the industry finds itself while continuing to strengthen the productive companies of the State: Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

“All of this is already permitted by the Constitution, the rounds and the associations. I think that it is something normal, something natural that will also occur in the case of Pemex with the associations, the auctions and the permits for the generation of electric energy are also already permitted by law,” he said.

“I believe that we will get out of this impasse and there will be greater investment in the generation and distribution of electric energy as well as in the production, exportation and refining of oil. I believe that we will enter into much stronger, more solid processes, always keeping in mind that this is a priority issue,” said the politician from Zacatecas.

Ramírez Cuéllar added that the Hydrocarbons Law already establishes the limits and characteristics of private sector participation, and ideally there should be an adequate combination of public and private investment.

With the participation of the private sector, both Pemex and CFE will be able to improve their financial balances, the politician acknowledged.

“These are two institutions, two large companies that are going to be strengthened. We are not going to back off when it comes to strengthening these companies. Both have to be healed, the financial scheme has to be improved, which is perfectly clear, where there may be opportunities for private participation,” he said.

He said they are developing a plan that will allow Pemex to increase oil exploration, production and refining. This plan will also help decarbonize the economy of this natural resource.

The Zacatecan indicated that a balance will be sought in the future with greater exports, greater production and the search for a greater amount of reserves. “That will be one line of work and another line will be to have a greater refining capacity and along with that an energy transition to achieve the decarbonization of our companies, both oil and generation and distribution of electric energy.”

“Our Constitution and our laws set limits and establish characteristics so that there is an appropriate combination between public investment and also the presence of private capital and investment,” he insisted.

He explained that investments will be made in areas with electricity industries to meet demand. He added that the resources in the CFE are to increase generation and strengthen the entire transmission network to “combat energy poverty.”

“Light will reach all places, it will be guaranteed permanently and a regular supply, without interruptions, without blackouts. And in this way, making the availability of electricity, especially from clean energy, will help this new industrialization that we are going to experience with the relocation of companies, the relocation of capital, of investments that are coming to different areas of our country.”

Revenue without tax reform

Although the new government has no plans to increase or create new taxes, it does plan to maintain the strategy of combating tax evasion and avoidance to obtain greater revenue, Ramírez Cuéllar said.

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In addition, the new government has made a commitment to reduce the public deficit, “we will spend with a rationality never seen before,” he said.

“There is a great deal of confidence in our country from international organizations. This, the arrival of large investments, shows the economic and financial solvency; the stability, the tranquility that the markets and investors have (…) I believe that Mexico will take off even more and at this moment the Mexican people will grow with greater strength, with greater force, with greater forcefulness,” concluded Ramírez Cuéllar.

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2024-07-04 11:00:00
#Private #investment #return #energy #sector #Sheinbaum #government #Sol #México


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