PSV starts new season: ‘We will be hunted’

PSV is the national champion and also the favorite for the title for next season. That brings extra pressure and that is also realized at the club. Sitting back and doing the same is not an option for trainer Peter Bosz. First, it is important to keep the selection almost together.

With a single shower passing over Eindhoven, the players and Peter Bosz were back on the training field of De Herdgang. The Eindhoven club is starting a season that should end with a party on the town hall square. “That is the goal,” Bosz is clear.

“But it will have to be even better than last year. If we do the same, we will not become champions. Last season was great, but now we are being hunted. That brings a different kind of pressure. The opponents know our plan and we will have to arm ourselves against that.”

“Don’t think that the need to become champion is less now after the title.”

Captain Luuk de Jong is also wary of everyone at PSV becoming complacent about it. “The biggest danger next season is that we start to think that the need to become champions is less now after last year’s title. We absolutely must not become complacent. What we achieved last year was unique. But it is even more unique if we achieve it twice in a row.”

According to the striker, the conditions have been created by the club in any case. “The foundation is there and we have to build on that. We want to become even better. As experienced guys, we will be on top of that.”

A new national title must be achieved and preferably with almost the same selection. “We want to keep as many boys as possible for PSV. If that works, you also have to get less. Of course, some boys have already left and we will replace them. But that is the task of Earnest Stewart (technical director, ed.). He will leave me alone for the time being.”

“I’ve never seen Joey Veerman play against Austria like he did.”

PSV starts its preparation while the European Championship is still in full swing. PSV players Joey Veerman and Jerdy Schouten have already played for the Dutch national team. Joey Veerman was substituted after 30 minutes after a bad match against Austria and was the talk of the day in the Netherlands. “I have been in contact with him,” Bosz said. “I have never seen him play the way he did against Austria, not even in training.”

By the way, the PSV coach is enjoying the European Championship, but isn’t he itching to get involved there too? “No way, I’ll just watch the matches with a beer. I certainly enjoyed this European Championship in the beginning. Only the last matches are a bit less. But the teams that play with guts and courage come out on top. We’ll have to do that again this season.”

Joey Veerman is disappointed after his substitution against Austria (photo: ANP).
2024-07-02 18:31:06
#PSV #starts #season #hunted


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