Quebec Grants $1.2 Million to Support Youth Employment Services in Rimouski

Quebec is granting $1.2 million to La Sphère de l’emploi de Rimouski to support its services dedicated to young people aged 16 to 35, in particular to promote their academic success and their integration into employment.

This amount includes $1 million dedicated to the organization’s mission and to financing certain specific activities concerning educational success.

The remaining amount will allow the transition between the 2021-2024 Youth Action Plan and a new plan which will be made public in 2025.

Since May 31, Rimouski-Neigette is, however, the only one of the eight MRCs in Bas-Saint-Laurent to no longer offer attractive services for those over 35.

(Photo courtesy UQAR)

Offered by La Sphère for three years, the organization was forced to end the service due to the end of a three-year funding agreement.

2024-06-30 22:22:14
#1.2M #Rimouski #Employment #Sphere


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