Quintais and Suchaud narrowly reach the final!

Off to the Marseillaise final for Quintais and Suchaud, survivors of Christian Andriantseheno’s fantastic comeback!

Whatever happens, the final of this World Cup La Marseillaise will be a big game! The “Phi-Phi” Quintais and Suchaud, accompanied by Jean-Claude Jouffre, are 13 points away from the title. On the Parc Borély stadium of honor, Philippe Quintais’ triplet suffered until the end. However, victory seemed all cooked against Christian Andriantseheno (12-2). The moment chosen by the Malagasy and his two young acolytes to reverse the trend. Donovan Lamberger and Baldwin Magny followed, to get back to 12-10 after two ends! With the habit of great moments, Quintais and Suchaud secure the last point. Direction the final, with a chance to add a new star to their crazy list of achievements.


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