Relief at SK Rapid as Points Deduction Overturned

A sigh of relief at SK Rapid!

The Hütteldorfers are starting the new Bundesliga season without any negative points. On Tuesday, the Permanent Neutral Arbitration Court upheld the Viennese team’s appeal against the deduction of two points, which the league had announced after the derby incidents at the beginning of March.

The Bundesliga penal senate severely punished Rapid after the insulting and partly homophobic outbursts following the derby against Austria on February 25 (3:0). Rapid was sanctioned, among other things, with an unconditional deduction of two points and a conditional deduction of one point.

The unconditional penalty has now been lifted, the conditional points deduction remains, as does the unconditional fine of 170,000 euros, against which Rapid had not appealed.

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“One point deduction remains conditional and can be revoked in the event of further misconduct,” the Bundesliga also said in a press release. And further: “SK Rapid has not taken action against the fines imposed totaling 190,000 euros (80,000 euros / 50,000 euros / 60,000 euros – of which 20,000 euros conditional) for the three incidents. These therefore also remain in place.”

Starting next season, there will no longer be point penalties for the use of pyrotechnics; the clubs agreed on this on the initiative of Sturm President Christian Jauk.

2024-07-02 15:52:50
#points #deduction #Arbitration #court #softens #Rapids #verdict


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