Renovation of Ancona’s Historic Basketball Court Nears Completion, Future Upgrades Planned

ANCONA – What happened to the basketball court located inside the Doric Stadium? Accessible from the entrance located on Via Maratta, a few steps from Viale della Vittoria, the small oasis for basketball fans in the city center effectively mirrors the most classic of American playgrounds. Perfect for one-on-one or three-on-three, the latter being so fashionable that they have become an Olympic discipline.

Over the years, many boys have grown into men on this small pitch and have even brought their children to play there, experiencing emotions that are difficult to describe. There has been no shortage of famous people to play there. Above all, the Olympic, world and European high jump champion Gianmarco Tamberi who showed up several times to shoot some hoops, thus demonstrating that the fire for his first great sporting passion is far from extinguished.

However, long renovation works have been depriving basketball fans of having fun on their beloved court for more or less a year. For this reason, some of them, in recent days, have asked us to Ancona Today to inform us about the matter. We have therefore asked the councillor for sports facilities Daniele Berardinelli who has good news for basketball fans: «The reopening of the court is imminent. A matter of days. The work has now been completed and has dragged on over time due to some difficulties encountered, such as with the roots of some trees. We are now looking for someone to act as caretaker and take responsibility for opening and closing it, given that those who took care of it before the renovation can no longer do so. I repeat, a matter of days». The news is not over, however, as Berardinelli announces that «for the next season the court will be renovated even more, it will change its appearance and become a full-fledged sports facility, which it is not at the moment».

2024-07-03 08:37:18
#basketball #court #Dorico #stadium #reopen


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