Robledo de Chavela Hosts Successful Second Archery Day in Town

Robledo de Chavela celebrated the second archery day in the town last Saturday. The initiative corresponds to the first Gredos-Guadarrama interclub league, organized by the Robledo de Chavela Archers Club.

During the event, two rounds of 3D target shooting were held with the participation of the clubs Arqueros de Robledo de Chavela, Arqueros Sierra Oeste, Arqueros de San Lorenzo and Arqueros Vettones de El Tiemblo. The event was held thanks to the transfer of its sports facilities by the Robledo council to the local club for the practice of this activity.

On a day that threatened to be stormy, the weather finally respected the day and we were able to enjoy a morning of archery in Robledo.

In total, 31 archers from the four clubs participated. Four archers from Robledo competed in the three available categories.

Qualifiers in the Robledo de Chavela archery event

Finally, the first classified in their respective categories were Ricardo Flores and Baltasar Rodriguez of Archers of San Lorenzo; Jorge Belinchon and Luis Escribano of Archers Sierra Oeste; while in the female category were Paula de Eusebio, of Archers of Robledo; Eva Bernabe, of Archers of San Lorenzo; Melody Dominguez of Archers Sierra Oeste, and M. Alejandra Gonzalez, of Archers of San Lorenzo.

In the under 14 category, the highlights were Diego Hernandez, from Sierra Oeste Archers; Adrian Alarcon, from Sierra Oeste Archers; Marcos Gallego, from San Lorenzo Archers; and Sandro Della from Robledo Archers.

2024-07-02 17:17:38
#Robledo #Chavela #celebrated #day #archery


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